Monday, May 02, 2011


lukisan pelan

   Interior Designer is a process follows a systematic and coordinates methodology including research,analysis and intergration of knowledgeinto the creative process,whereby the needs and resourse of the client and satisfied to procedure an interior space that fulfills the project goals.

Interior Style
    A style, or theme, is a consistent idea used throughout a room to create a feeling of completeness. Styles are not to be confused with design concepts, or the higher-level party, which involve a deeper understanding of the architectural context, the socio-cultural and the programmatic requirements of the client.  These themes often follow period styles. The evolution of interior decoration themes has now grown to include themes not necessarily consistent with a specific period style allowing the mixing of pieces from different periods. Each element should contribute to form, function, or both and maintain a consistent standard of quality and combine to create the desired design.            

korang paham ker??  aku try xplain ya...even aku pon x tau maksud yg betoi...
INTERIOR DESIGNER mean....reka bentuk dalaman...haha
tu ja yg aku tau........ok la...its mean proses utk mmbuat dan mereka dalaman di dm sesuatu bangunan termasuk rumah, skolah, pejabat, cafeteria, maybe shopping complex....and byk ag.....tu yg aku tau larh...
Proses perekaan yg menghitungkan aspek fungsi, estetika dan lain2 yg biasa datanya di ambil dari kajian, pemikiran, perah otak, mahupon dari reka bentuk yg sudah ada sebelumnya....

contoh assignment yg budak2 ID kene wt

asal nyer aku dpt kos Interior Designer a.k.a ID.....tp aku x g coz time tu aku kat matrik
and aku nk masuk SEM 2 kt matrik...aku pikir n smayang istiqarah ag...
my decision is..aku stay kat matrik gak.....
AND now alhamdulillah aku x nyesal n aku da abis matrik ng selamat...hehehehe
SKUNK lak aku lepak jer kt umah n kadang2 update mY bLog....
syok gak upanyer upDate blOg....leh post mcm2 yg aku suka,...hahaha

thatz is 4 this time
aku nak wt post laen lak...
da ketagih giler nie.....hehhehe

misz lolipopz

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